Thursday, March 27, 2008

Good Bye Maple Story

I'm done everyone.

Nice Gaming with you.

catch me on my art blog.


D;< I AM A FEMALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


._.;;; Just to clear that up.

Doesn't Xiyuuna seem girly?

Idella is my real name.

Searching for a New Server 2: Windia Again (and other stuff)

Originally Posted by Xiyuuna
o.o It's really just a sever name.

See, that's where you're wrong. You're belittling our server by saying Windia is just a server name. Windia is pride. Windia is community. Windia is hefferheffer. Windia is drama. Windia is all of us.

We are are Windia, not the server. We created our characters here, brought them up together and fought our battles together (sometimes against each other). That's Windia. It's not just a server name. It's a way of Maple Life.

Originally Posted by Xiyuuna
I just don't want to move here and get treated like crap by my own class because I'm an immigrant.

Everyone on Windia gets treated like crap at some point. Don't come here expecting a free pass from it.

Originally Posted by Xiyuuna
When I use to run the Legit Bowmasters of Khaini Thread ...

This isn't Khaini.

Originally Posted by Xiyuuna
All in all, t like I said I don't want to been seen as an illegitimate player because I moved from another server.

You are choosing to come here. What people do or do not think of you is their choice. You have the advance knowledge to know that this list is not for immigrants. That's your choice if you still want to come here or not based off being included on a list.

Are people....serious!? ROFL!

Why I'm considering moving servers...

Honestly to me, if I want to switch servers I should be able to without some superfluous explanation. I can type out very long and logical paragraphs on the forum that people will half-ass read and put every tedious sense into it.


I know people have like this server pride thing, I would think if someone chooses to move to your server that means there's something GOOD about it. I remember people complaining about Archer Bandwagons, I did not mind that as much as long as people weren't hacking archers, which they were so I deleted the forum work I did for the Top Bowmasters Thread of Khaini, it was pointless, I can't go around deciphering the legits from the hackers anymore.

Except when I ran into a ranked Bowmaster I never seen before I would ask them specific questions pertaining to the class. The most epic moment I had recently was asking a level 127 the level of her Sharp Eyes, she said 0 because it was a pointless skill. (o.o I guess a critical and damage boost is pointless to bowmen) I asked her if she knew what it did and she said your party crits..............................

Immigration in Real Life

I've seen the changes in black neighborhoods, my dad's home town and my mother's home town are slowly being over run with the legal and illegal. Both places are more or less Black Ghettos. Orange in New Jersey is looking better off than Coatesville in Pennsylvania (Drugs have made it go to hell). I'm all for people coming to find a better start with their lives...legally. There are enough people in the United States rich and poor trying to get over on the system. Whether our system is bad or good it's not going to change till leadership improves so working with what we have now our already messed up economy can't handle freeloaders. My only concern is that if Immigrants are moving into black neighborhoods does that mean blacks have moved onto better places or worse places?


Xiyibow is getting sent to Windia, but crap I wanted her to use my white nisrock, I could send her with it and scroll a lesser attack nisrock. I still have a dark nisrock I want to scroll for Xiyuuna. I might wait till I grind Xiyuuna to level 150 (lol yes level 150)

-Getting Caught-

Well, people using duped items on Khaini have been put out of commission. <_< Whether they did or didn't tell anyone about the items they still got...owned lol. One was a major trouble maker on the game, an internet tough guy named Saiieem. He account was permanently banned. The same day he got permabanned several of Khaini's high level and some low level guilds were all invaded by a hacker. Rather Sad. I live in Parkesburg, PA. I'm going to start making plans to travel abroad since Art School did not work out for me.
I was going to draw this but I opted for this look. n_n I feel like I can draw again.

Also, I should finish retyping my Xiyuuna story. o.O I might turn it into a slight graphic novel.

I <3 src="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Idella/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg" alt="">

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Searching for a New Server 1: Windia

I went to check out Windia, I thought their archer ranks were pretty awesome and what not.

But if I moved there because I would be an immigrant somehow that leaves me in the Limbo of being "not legit" or "not a true windian". Yeah now I think it's getting to the point that I actually rather quit maple story because of the outrageous behavior people exhibit over the small.

The worst thing that could happen on MS besides my account getting hacked is being out casted by my own class. That's really pathetic.

I think I have too much pride as an archer to just get thrown out. I might move there anyway but I haven't checked out what others had to say on other servers.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Quitting or Something

Actually I want to change servers.
Any suggestions to which I should go to?

Well my cousin was checking out some new 2d mmorpgs, we both has this thing for pixel characters.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Friday, March 21, 2008

._. Only if...

._. I'd marry Ken Hirai...if possible xD HE'S NOT GAY I KILL YOU IF YOU SAY HE IS I'll KS YOUR FACE! D:<

The Fast Lane

Maple Story zZzZ
I still can't play the way I want to play, and ZOMG, Kami freaking pwns Zakum now, 17minute zakum run....and I died from a huge lag spike on 3rd body, but it was fun, it was like sport, and no breaks, no worries with cursed arm, it was funny actually. I think, each party had a BM or MM to cast sharp eyes. The guild is almost decently balanced, still need more DKs.

But, there is a distinct seperation of high level and low level, 13x is now the new high level perhaps even 14x. I'm so close yet so far from those levels, training with lag just does not interests me so it's going to have to wait.

The new guild level limit is 12x or 60 levels below Khainpriest...ROFL, that grinder.

I did the chapter 1 rewrite of my story, I like it a bit better now though I should write it in current tense and not past tense to avoid that switching problem.

Not sure if I should post it here orrrrr on sleepywood.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lucide Arrows- Starting a Maple Story...Story

._. I hate the phrase FAN kill me.

YES, it's going to be about Xiyuuna and YES if I know you well enough to make a character out of you I will write you in.

Miscellaneous Information

How do I write story? (lol)

- Those who use forbidden worldly magics for their own advantage and sometimes the advantage of others. Their abuse of magic causes negative energy to surge into the world leading to the creation of malicious creatures and causes other world harming problems.

-The apparent creators of the world and much of its magic though it is often debated if they exist since few individuals have actually witness the presence of a master.

-Collective groups of individuals, most join guilds seeking adventure, friendships, and to aid in the research and study of the world, others ban together with guilds to eliminate the troubles in the world.

Classes and instructors:
- Instructors are those who often teach, aid, give titles, and insight to individuals in the world. A title is often given from a master and from the respect of others in the world. There are four classes that exist besides being part of the common class denizens that reside in the world. Determine individuals seek out the instructors to start an education on their class.
-There are recognized classes in the world, Thief, Archer, Warrior, and Mage. Each has it's own unique teachings in magics and other skills but the classes are also dependent on one another.
Very few people are able to master the skills of more than one class and will often focus on their own class, also very few individuals make it to the higher ranks and end up settling down somewhere in the world.
(bad description)

Fake To Real, Real to Fake

I wonder, on Maple Story, how much of YOU is actually YOU versus playing a character with their own personality.

n_n; Sadly, there's more of me on MS then there should have ever been.

I think because over time I have been playing MS I have had a significant personality change.

When you log on, are you [insert name here] or are you your Maple Story Character.

Friday, March 14, 2008

a Viewtiful Day in the Maplehood?

So this was our last Group Screen shot of the guild, maybe of these people are not in the guild anymore whoever was on came.

Khainpriest is level 180, so commemorate the occasion he decided to become the clone of oOWawaOo aka Karine. >_> They have a really odd sort of Maple relationship I suppose you could call it that. xD I think if KP were on a male character they would end up marrying one another, but it's funnier this way.

Yeah, Kami is a fun guild...a very odd and random group coming together.

R> Kami guild, level 110+, sign up on

Lost and More Lost and some Lulz

I died again I have 11%, I'm just not going to train till I have my desktop computer back. I don't know what my problem is but I seem to be trapped at level 122. Perhaps it's that I'm just not really in high spirits. I try to be, cheerful and joking and what not, but I'm starting to feel like some bitter old person in their 60s just waiting to die. Pretty much, I don't feel like there's much to my life anymore since this whole school thing and art, I can't seem to draw anything decent and that just makes me miserable. My cousin asked me to work on a picture of her with her kids, I tried, it started off well enough but then I just tossed it into my sketchbook and that was it. I won't be finishing it.

I'd like to play MS but I'm rather broke now. I'm going to try to Zrun tomorrow since Kami is doing runs under 30mins just about. That means I won't need as many pots. I'm missing out on a lot in the guild, KP is 180, alot of people are starting to break the 125+ range, the higher you are the easier getting training parties are. I can see some members of Kami being part of the first few groups that try to tackle horntail.

Since I have been in Jersey I'm really starting to feel the lack of friends I have. -.- I'm done being a loner...>_> what do people my age do these days anyways.

Cheers to being odd.

Xiyuuna aka Idella

Logging in Maple After a Few Days

>_> People delete you if you aren't on more than a week, thanks people.

I won't be bothering to re-buddy people when I made it known I was going to be busy, that's why it has come to my belief that really people on MS aren't actual friends versus gaming buddies, atleast in most cases.

MS provided me with a great laugh yesterday, THOUGH I FREAKING DIED AGAIN, I cannot train at newties, I am a master of himes ._. till 13x. I'll try to play again tonight. Logged in, Kami is like straight grinders now, KP bit the bullet and now uses 2x exp, I think most people now are training with 2x exp. I don't really care because I may get it if I have limited time to play MS. Someone stole HunterChamp, who? Not sure if it was Haydn or Champ or whatever. I'm just going to divorce that account and marry someone else though lol Maple Marriage. People take it REALLY seriously, my maple marriage provided me with much lulz especially when smegas got involved about completely random things, like how we adopted out one of our kids (Firefux aka Ggitzfuxy and now Fuxilicious) then had CPS take him away from that family and give him back. Oh and there were the set of smegas about me false divorcing champ and me pawning all of our rings for mesos. People thought we were dead serious but it was something to laugh about versus like the people who are like ZOMG YOU STOLE MY MAPLE HUSBAND YOU BITCH. Woah hussies, calm yourselfs, I know the internet is so called "serious business" but you never know who is at the end of the keyboard, sure you've married Narutard666 who is suppose to be 16 years old and plays soccer when really it's just Jeff the repo man from down the street, 40 years old with a beer belly. Same for those guys, that girl is just Jeff the repo man from down the street, he married you for NX ROFL.


._. Not playing on my desktop computer means no screen shots so my blog will be dark and boring for awhile.

I'ma go draw...


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sleepeh ._.

I moved all my junk into storage, apparently I'm cute? And people are willing to help cute girls, but mostly I just refused help and moved everything myself. I still have some muscles in these arms of mine but now I am dead sleepy and dosing off on the couch. I seen some apartments around here but really ._. I don't really want to live in Jersey so I think I will settle for Philly, plus my mother says they will need some receptionist at her job soon because some of them are incompetent.

All my muscles hurt, mainly in my back and legs. I pulled out some sketchbooks (none which are light) and I was carrying them around in a DaVinci Art Supply bag. I decided to eat one last good meal at a Japanese resturant where my bag broke. I was struggling to carry around my broken bag and these books that seemed to weight a ton. Really they were just very unwieldly, I went to ask for a bag from this lady in Duane Reade aka the place I get dozens of NX cards and the store you see the most in NYC, but she was a complete bitch about giving me a bag because it was against company policy or something, if I seen a tired individual asking for ONE bag I would gladly give it up. I found another store in the Port Authority and got a nice bag for 20 dollars, I stacked my books into it and went along my merry way. Heading down into the subway I held the door for a woman who said it was rare to find polite and pretty people these days. o.O I guess my piercings don't make me look like a freak. That made my way because it seemed like there are so many rude people in the world now. No one cares about the person beside them.

I'm always thinking about others. Art, people, society, all I'm thinking about these days. The area I am is pretty much a stereotypical "ghetto" but you can see how the population is changing to include immigrants. So I wonder, where are black folks going because the same thing is happening in my mother's hometown. Immigrants pretty much keep to themselves though, that's typical of people I think.

I'm annoyed at my (hate to say it) ex-boyfriend, I questioned him on why he was bothering to message me after acting like a complete Kid when I broke up with him, I had this pocketwatch and it was one of the first items I ever bought myself with my own money, he had it and crushed it with his foot in front of me. I've been trying to find another one like it, it was kinda like a watch out of a fairy tale, it inspired me to write this story, blah. I still cherish paper and pencils more, but really this guy was a loser and if I would have stayed with him I was afraid I would have ended up like him.

._. Single FTW.

I want to play Maple Story, once everyone head off to sleep tonight I might hook my laptop up to this computer monitor and log on. That's if I'm not sleeping.

I'm resorting to blogging because I have no one to talk to atm.

Lonely FTL...

Atleast my stuff is in storage, and I'll be going somewhere. I just have to get back into doing my art again. ._. I gotta stay cheerful.


Moving Day

I must get ready to travel over to NYC, BUT SOMEONE IS IN THE DAMN BATHROOM. (._. and I really have to go)

HOPEFULLY, I won't be paying more than 300 dollars to move my stuff to storage, I'm going to end up paying the mover like 130 and then perhaps another 100+ dollars for storage. Now after this my stuff will be safe but I need to decide where I want to set up camp for awhile. My mother and I have reached an understanding, if I stay in New Jersey I'll be near NYC and can travel there anytime I want, also Philly isn't that bad. I could go to Virginia but I need to immediately get my license (I didn't get it before I left VA). In Virginia I would look for housing with a roomate, here in Jersey I could probably live on my own. Philly my mother said she would get a place with me which I wouldn't mind. I feel rested, even though I've been sleeping on a couch, my leg has some slight pains but I'll need to get over those pains to move my stuff outside for moving. Bah, I need to go, I gotta tape up some of those containers.

._. I'ma go send an email too.
Happy Mapling.

Monday, March 10, 2008

While Away From Maple Story Check out my Other Blog

Hmm, so that I'm not bored or driven insane I'll be working on my mechanical pencil girl blog more. <_< I'll be typing whatever from social commentary to art and other things. I feel like stepping up.

Then eventually I'll be back on Maple Story to torture my favorite buddies n_n;;

Idella Aka Xiyuuna/Xiyibow/xBobRossx (lulz)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Answer the Damn Question correctly Xiyuuna

Dx Sorreh, I'm like terribly distracted.

I have NO clue what gacha my Dark Nisrock comes from...

._. My tablet PC hates me! Since it was already broken now it's really broken so don't count on seeing me on MS till I found a place to LIVE! -_- I was thinking about living in New Jersey that way I can still travel to NYC whenever I please (sorta) but I'd rather live in Virginia.

D: I'm not having Maple Story "withdraws" as much as I am bored here. Black chick with piercings gets stared at...alot. So far the life of a college drop out is FREAKING BORING! And I just want a place to live so that I can get back to drawing and maple story and work off my debts till I go to school again zZzZ if I go again.

Oh yeah, today while not paying attention at a dance recital (because I was er drawing) the man behind me just happen to work for this comic site that is a learning support program. ._. If I stay here in jersey woah la something to do (and not get paid for) but I've seen help wanted signs around the place. -___-;;;

I would be in Virginia but my friend is going though all this shyt (even though I asked him several times if he needed help looking for a place) yet he wasn't doing anything I'm assuming.
About now I would start a chain of vicious swearing but I'll remain lady like (^___^ I am a very polite and quiet person)

And I just charged NX to my account too, I was ready to start grinding a bit while I was here doing nothing.

-Things to do in Jersery
*Get Stared At By old People
*Get Stared at by Guys (._. I dun like guys looking at me like meat)
*Eat, and eat alot, after a few weeks or more than a month of reducing myself to about one meal a day, I just feel like eatting, my weight was 125...I'm 110 now.
*Go random places (like the store so I can buy food to eat, I'ma go buy cake)
*Look at your broken tablet PC and try to figure out what wire is broken that fixes the backlight.
*Send Text Messages that never get replied to.
* Wonder why you don't have that many friends.
*Wonder why people are always on their phones in Jersey.
*Think about the wonderful state of your race, even if you consist of 3 and then start writing about how each race is no different from the other (I'm mixed)
*Eat Some More
*Wait to Chat With Someone Online.
*Watch Boring TV
*Listen to Ipod
*Play Nintendo DS (where is my DS?)
*Look for Nintendo DS (Finds Nintendo DS)
*Wonders why you even bought it when you play Maple Story
*Think about putting a cool Design on random items you own.
*Keep making a TL;DR List on your blogger
*I did it for the Lulz
*But no one thinks it has Lulz at all

._. Note to any of my sorta readers, be more like ALastReprise or B0wjob.

I'm seriously bored you guys.

Wanna get drawn? Give me a photo.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

How to get a Nisrock

Be nice to people n_n; and learn to bargin.

Dark Nisrocks are dropped by horntail and they are of course a Gacha Item.

I purchased my dark nisrock from a guy in the FM who did a Channel 1 Smega. I've pretty much always wanted a Dark Nisrock so I went to check out the bow. Apparently NO OTHER ranger at the time seen the smega, I mentioned it to my buddies and guildmates but DID NOT TELL THEM the name of the guy because they are richer than I am and would pay insane amounts of mesos, for example the blue metus incident, the guy paid 200mil+, after some haggling the price of the nisrock went from 400mil to 50mil and a black rab, I've been broke since then but I have a potential godly bow to scroll.

If a guy says he has a nisrock...accept the trade, make an offer and start bargining, normally people are desperate to sell so if you become disinterested they might lower their prices.

I own 3 Nisrocks

White Nisrock= 98 Clean 108 att scrolled with 60%
Dark Nisrock= 99 clean, almost perfect (100 is perfect).
White Nisrock(2)= 91 clean, potentially a dragon shiner bow or 30% it.

._. I'm so poor, 300k and I think 3mil on my mule I'm going to use to zakum.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Xiyuuna The College Dropout

Well, Idella not Xiyuuna.
If you have or haven't heard, I've left my prestigious art school. Actually, the school was just a price tag everything else was a load of bullshit. I figured maybe the school wasn't for me, but reading some reviews there are people who regret going to the school. I'm just glad I got out now instead of later. The best part was the location, anything else was whatever, it was about money.

._. I don't want to be considered a college drop out because everyone is so much greater than I am.

Artist...-_-; Why can't I excel in Math or something.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Delphius Takes out Horntail and One of my idols Live

<_< ok I admit it like every bowmaster is my Idol. I know Angelia has done quite a bit of HP washing but still it's amazing none the less. ^____^ Grats~!

Eventually...Khaini will do it.


And yas I'm still on haitus.