Monday, February 11, 2008

The Adventures of Xiyibow

Yay for Screen Shots out of order. My apologies for such chaos.

Well Xiyibow is coming along well and as nice as it would be to get her to 120 I'm not sure if I will actually do it. I goofed off a lot on MS today because it keeps me smiling otherwise I might start feeling a bit down. It's getting tougher to keep playing the game but that means it'll only be that much easier to let it go. I have much to talk about but in my next entry. For this one just look at the ss, they are mostly self explaining and screenies of my damage. Sometimes you have to read the chats. I love dexless sins, there was one who was about level 34, I was training in Kerning minding my own business then he comes and starts Ksing me. When he realized I could do about the same damage he said that he sucks. I gave him a witty "sure" reply and he goes "I'm dexless".....That ensure much lulz as I'm sitting behind this computer screen. I never thought I would be able to bear witness.

The GPQ screen shot, D: the summons on that stage killed me and I was heart broken but before I Could type my heart KhainPriest revived me <3.>

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