Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Xiyuuna and Vorlikbow

Vorlikbow is the first "high level" bowmen I ever seen on Maple Story when I started playing, and he's a pretty cool guy (f3). He was around level 50, the population of bowmen was already low when I started playing Maple Story so to see someone higher than 30 was cool. So he kindly started providing me with some items I would need on my journey as a hunter and pretty much stuck by him till he stopped playing as often. Also before the games was like drilled into my brain we actually had conversations of some sort of significance. It's like the longer you play MS the more you get into game play and stats and the less real life conversation you'll actually have. Vorlik is someone I actually chat with on MSN alot these days, I told him i was going to start a digital drawing of Xiyuuna and he said I should draw his character instead. I ended up drawing use both.

I'm trying to decide if I want horntail or MM in the background, my original sketch layer is hidden in this image, it has an outline of MM in the back.