Friday, March 21, 2008

The Fast Lane

Maple Story zZzZ
I still can't play the way I want to play, and ZOMG, Kami freaking pwns Zakum now, 17minute zakum run....and I died from a huge lag spike on 3rd body, but it was fun, it was like sport, and no breaks, no worries with cursed arm, it was funny actually. I think, each party had a BM or MM to cast sharp eyes. The guild is almost decently balanced, still need more DKs.

But, there is a distinct seperation of high level and low level, 13x is now the new high level perhaps even 14x. I'm so close yet so far from those levels, training with lag just does not interests me so it's going to have to wait.

The new guild level limit is 12x or 60 levels below Khainpriest...ROFL, that grinder.

I did the chapter 1 rewrite of my story, I like it a bit better now though I should write it in current tense and not past tense to avoid that switching problem.

Not sure if I should post it here orrrrr on sleepywood.

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