Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lucide Arrows- Starting a Maple Story...Story

._. I hate the phrase FAN FIC....so kill me.

YES, it's going to be about Xiyuuna and YES if I know you well enough to make a character out of you I will write you in.

Miscellaneous Information

How do I write story? (lol)

- Those who use forbidden worldly magics for their own advantage and sometimes the advantage of others. Their abuse of magic causes negative energy to surge into the world leading to the creation of malicious creatures and causes other world harming problems.

-The apparent creators of the world and much of its magic though it is often debated if they exist since few individuals have actually witness the presence of a master.

-Collective groups of individuals, most join guilds seeking adventure, friendships, and to aid in the research and study of the world, others ban together with guilds to eliminate the troubles in the world.

Classes and instructors:
- Instructors are those who often teach, aid, give titles, and insight to individuals in the world. A title is often given from a master and from the respect of others in the world. There are four classes that exist besides being part of the common class denizens that reside in the world. Determine individuals seek out the instructors to start an education on their class.
-There are recognized classes in the world, Thief, Archer, Warrior, and Mage. Each has it's own unique teachings in magics and other skills but the classes are also dependent on one another.
Very few people are able to master the skills of more than one class and will often focus on their own class, also very few individuals make it to the higher ranks and end up settling down somewhere in the world.
(bad description)

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