Friday, March 7, 2008

Xiyuuna The College Dropout

Well, Idella not Xiyuuna.
If you have or haven't heard, I've left my prestigious art school. Actually, the school was just a price tag everything else was a load of bullshit. I figured maybe the school wasn't for me, but reading some reviews there are people who regret going to the school. I'm just glad I got out now instead of later. The best part was the location, anything else was whatever, it was about money.

._. I don't want to be considered a college drop out because everyone is so much greater than I am.

Artist...-_-; Why can't I excel in Math or something.


JacKk said...

As a fellow art student (well music), I know where you're coming from. However, Im still doing it just because I enjoy it and its fun (not to mention, its cheaper than taking private lessons... Im not sure why, but Im paying around 6k for 2 semesters and I pay 4-5k for piano lessons, not including theory lessons and whatnot. Plus I dont need to pay for transit anymore as its covered by schooling. Its definitely cheaper)

There's nothing wrong with being talented in art. Just be proud of the skills you've been given. I personally am good at most subjects (sciences, maths, english) but I CHOSE to take music. Just choose what you want to do and do it. Dont care what others have to say about it, just do as you want.

Ps. College/University these days are somewhat useless. The more I go to class, the more I find it pointless and the more I look around me, those who dont go to post secondary are just as successful if not more successful than those who do (My friend dropped out of music last week. He's making 2.5k a week as a financial consultant in training and after he's done training, he can earn twice as much, not to mention 2.5k is seeing 2 customers in 1.5 hours). Go figure. Good luck with whatever you choose to do ^^


ItsTheCrabbb said...

Hello. Sorry to change the subject around, but I'm a level 133 Bowmaster from Bera. And I was wondering where you got your Dark Nisrock D: I'm on the search and I still don't know where to get one. Thanks ^^
